Ecological ethics by Ibnu Arabi and its urgency in Islamic education

Ikhsan Setiawan, fadloli fadloli, Abdul Chalim, Rizka Isnawati Fajrin


The Ecological crisis in the modern era has an impact on other crises. The crisis occurs because modern humans opinion nature as an object that does not have a sacred dimension that is disconnected from God, so the nature will be exploited by humans without sustainability. Ibn Arabi thought about nature seems to refute the way of thinking of modern humans. His opinion about nature as something that lives, hears, sees, which is created thanks to His love. This will have an impact on how humans treat living things in a good and responsible manner. This study uses a qualitative approach with the method used, namely library research, by collecting related literature and analyzing it. Awareness building to always protect the environment must be instilled from an early age. Education has a very crucial role in character building, especially Islamic education. Ibn Arabi's thought that considers nature as a living thing is very relevant to be associated with Islamic Education, Ibn Arabi teach us to respect the environment more, and understand about ecological ethic.

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