Etika Gusjigang dan Spirit Pendidikan Tri Harmoni Walisongo

Nur Said


This paper wants to argue a thesis that Gusjigang culture has a cultural continuity with Sunan Kudus and Walisongo, with a semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes. The genealogy of Gusjigang cultural roots could not be separated from the historical background of the city of Kudus, Central Java that founded by Sunan Kudus (one of the nine Islamic saints that populer called Walisongo) in sixteen century. Sunan Kudus predicates which, among other known as waliyyul ilmy and also as an Islamic merchants has spawned a cultural communication that reproduces gusjigang culture (bagus akhlak/ noble-character, gemar ngaji/ scientific orientation, dagang/entrepreneurship). Gusjigang culture in this case is part of a local genius who planted by Sunan Kudus is so relevant enough to be developed as the basis for etnopedagogy development which includes three main pillars, namely the value of noble character, scientific oriented, and the spirit of entrepreneurship. It’s consistent with the philosophical foundations of Kurikulum Merdeke (Independent Curriculum), which asserted that education must be rooted in the national culture.

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