REVIEW OF KHI ON POLYGAMY LIFE OF POST PANDEMIC (study in Troso Village, Pecangaan District, Jepara Regency)

Muhammad Abdur Rozaq, Inna Fauziatal Ngazizah


KHI has the wrong aim to maintain and improve the quality of polygamous marriages. This study aims to: (1) Find out what are the factors that cause polygamy in Troso Village. (2) Knowing the form of post-pandemic polygamous family life. (3) Review of polygamous life in the post-pandemic. The research uses a qualitative approach method, namely explaining the results of the research in logical sentences so that they can be understood, easy to understand and in accordance with the realities in the field. Source of data obtained through primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques were in the form of observation, interviews and documentation, then data validity was tested, and the final stages of data analysis techniques were data reduction, data display and conclusions. The results showed that the causes of polygamy in Troso Village were because the wife could not have children, the wife could not have sons, the wife was sentenced to not being able to conceive, she could not carry out her obligations as a wife due to long distances (children did not want to be left behind and don't want to be invited). The post-pandemic form of polygamous life in polygamous families has seen many declines in terms of harmony or the economy because in the post-pandemic period there were many unemployed because the sales level of the Troso woven fabric industry could not be as stable as before the pandemic, some even went bankrupt until their assets were sold out to support their two families . In the Compilation of Islamic Law, polygamy is permitted according to religion and according to the state by fulfilling one of the conditions for obtaining permission from the religious court. In the post-pandemic period, many polygamous practices in society have caused widespread social problems.

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