Inequality of Dowry and Gifts from the Perspective of Munakahat Jurisprudence (Study of Bride-to-be in Jepalo Village, Gunungwungkal Subdistrict, Pati Regency)

Yuslenda -, Nabila Luthvita Rahma


This study aims to determine the inequality of dowry and gifts according to the study of fiqh munakahat in Jepalo Village, Gunungwungkal Subdistrict, Pati Regency. This research is a field research conducted using a sociological juridical approach (empiric/non-doctrinal/socio legal) through a series of interview processes, observation and documentation as data collection techniques, the next stage to test the validity of the data that has been presented in the form of a narrative the author uses extended observation and triangulation techniques While data analysis uses the Miles and Hubermen analysis model which includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The study of dowry fiqh munakahat case study in Jepalo Village, Gunungwungkal Subdistrict, Pati Regency, dowry is a mandatory gift from the bridegroom to the bride, dowry is not a condition or pillar of marriage but dowry must be held in akat in order to cause the contract to mix as husband and wife according to the views of the four madhhabs of Shafi'i, Hambali, Maliki, Hanafi. As for the dowry according to the four madhhabs, namely the hambali and maliki madhhabs standardize the dowry of 10 dirhams up to 1 dinar when converted or emitted in the current era of 2023 to 10 dirhams simplified 1 dirham when emitted to 1/4 gram of gold and the rupiah is IDR 280,000 x 10 = IDR 2,800,000, 1 dinar when emitted to 1 1/4 grams of gold and the rupiah is IDR 1,180,000. In Jepalo Village, the dowry is not so developed and inequality with gifts, there are still residents who give dowries in the range of Rp99,000-Rp100,000.

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