Muhamat Nur Maarif, Yusuf Wisnu Nugroho


Abstract Cases of hoarding of goods still often occur even though legal instruments that prohibit hoarding have existed for a long time. Thus, efforts to prevent hoarding are not enough with legal instruments alone. Joint efforts are needed to mitigate hoarding. In this case, educating Muslims, as adherents of the majority religion in Indonesia, regarding Islamic views on the practice of hoarding needs to be presented. This paper aims to examine Islamic law regarding hoarding through the perspective of the Koran. The focus of the Qur'anic verses studied is Al-Hashr verse 7. The research method used is literature research with language, ushul fiqh, and historical approaches. The results of the study show that the act of hoarding goods needed by society is prohibited by Islam because this action is contrary to the principle of economic equity. The principle of economic equity is the universal value of Surah Al-Hasyr verse 7. Hoarding which is prohibited by Islam is hoarding which is done by withholding the distribution of goods that are needed by the community, so that the price rises, to then be resold when the price has risen.

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