Analysis of Karl Marx's Materialism Concept on Family Resilience in Jepara Regency

Ahmad Fauzan Mubarok, Shofiatun Ni'mah, Elmala Putri Damayanti, Hesti Adi Wahyuni


Family resilience is a condition of family dynamics in managing resources and problems faced to achieve the goal of a quality and resilient family to realize national resilience. Vulnerability in family resilience can have implications for divorce. Based on data from the Jepara Regency Religious Court, divorce cases in Jepara Regency from 2021-August 2023 have increased in 2021, the divorce rate in Jepara amounted to 2,055 cases. In 2022, the divorce rate in Jepara will be 2,208 cases. And in 2023 the divorce rate in Jepara will be 2,207 cases. With divorce cases including 5,090 contested divorce cases. There are many factors that cause divorce, including economic factors which are considered the main factors that cause divorce. Since 2016, Jepara has developed into an industrial city with the presence of labor-intensive factories with foreign investment. This research aims to examine the influence of Karl Marx's concept of materialism on family resilience in Jepara Regency. This research uses qualitative research methods with a library research approach and field studies using observation, interviews and literature study techniques in data collection techniques and analyzed using psychographic analysis. Research results from Karl Marx's perspective. Economic pressure, alienation from work and social relationships, as well as changes in social and cultural values are the main factors that can cause tension in marriage, which in turn can increase the divorce rate.

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