Family welfare is an important goal of Islamic law in building the welfare of society and the state. For this reason, the financial stability of the family is considered an important way to realize family prosperity by including elements of essential needs such as food, clothing, health, education and security. Lack of literacy about family financial management will cause disruption and problems in the family. Financial management means planning, controlling, monitoring and prioritizing financial activities to improve the lives of family members. Where Islamic law has taught that every activity should be planned and carried out in a well-organized manner in order to achieve the expected goals. Apart from that, from an Islamic perspective, wealth is a trust that is accountable for at the end of the day. So, there is a need to understand the use of assets owned by regulating all behavior in accordance with sharia principles. Therefore, this research describes several definitions of maqashid sharia with the meaning of urgency, essentiality, ideas and determining priorities for family financial management based on religious texts, journals and other publications related to maqashid sharia. With the aim of this paper, it can present concepts and ideas for managing family finances to improve the quality of life.
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