Contribution Islamic Social Finance Philosophy BAZNAS of D.I. Yogyakarta in Malioboro MSMEs Empowerment Post Covid-19 Pandemic

Novi Febriyanti, Dhidhin Noer Ady Rahmanto, Rahmad Nursyahidin


BAZNAS D.I Yogyakarta as one of the Islamic philanthropic institutions that collects and distributes Islamic Social Finance has a MSMEs empowerment program that aims to make MSMEs bounce back from adversity during the pandemic. The formulation of the problems raised in this research are, 1) What are the efforts of BAZNAS DIY in improving the welfare of the Malioboro MSMEs which have fallen due to the Covid-19 pandemic with Islamic Social Finance? 2) What are the results of BAZNAS DIY empowerment program on the resilience and development of Malioboro MSMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic? The type of research used is a qualitative research method with a case study approach. The research location is BAZNAS DIY, as well as the location of the assisted Malioboro MSMEs. The results of this study indicate that in the collection and distribution of ZISWAF by BAZNAS DIY it is not only given for consumption or short-term purposes, but also pays attention to productive or long-term interests. In the management of ZISWAF by BAZNAS DIY adheres to 3 pillars, namely trust, professionalism and transparency. This program uses the MbP or Management by Process method. The Malioboro MSMEs assisted by BAZNAS DIY are in accordance with the characteristics of MSMEs and the MSMEs empowerment program guidelines written in the RI Law Number 20 of 2008 Article 4. It is proven by a total of 49 Malioboro MSMEs assisted by BAZNAS DIY, 42 MSMEs were able to survive the pandemic, 2 MSMEs experienced growth and 5 MSMEs experienced a slump.

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Dra.Hj. Puji Astuti, M.Si. Head of BAZNAS DIY. Wawancara. Yogyakarta, 2022.

Dr. H.Munjahid,M.Ag. Deputy Chief I for Collectors. Wawancara. Yogyakarta, 2022.

H. Jazilus Sakhok, MA, Ph.D. Deputy Chair II for Distribution and Utilization. Wawancara. Yogyakarta, 2022.

H. Nursya’bani Purnama, SE. M.Si, CT,CCA. Deputy Chair III for Planning, Finance and Reporting. Wawancara. Yogyakarta, 2022.

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Proceeding International Conference of Islamic Economics and Business (ICONIEB)

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