Moh Rosyid


The mosque is an epicenter for Islam and Muslims. However, those who actively involved are mostly male while female activities are rare that seems to underline gender discrimination. The purpose of this research is to understand a case of the banning of female to perform obligatory prayers in the mosque such as happen in Mosque Baitussalam, Jekulo, Kudus, Central Java. Since 1923, the mosque is forbidden for female activities, including prayer. This mosque was built in 1890, believed to be founded by Sunan Kudus. It has been renovated twice in 1912 and 1916, and then in 1969 the area was widened by the owners of tobacco factories: Tjap Amir and Jambu Bol. Previously, in 1926 an all male Islamic Boarding House (pesantren), Ponpes al-Qaumaniyah, was established in the area of the mosque which later followed by the female prayer’s restriction. They argue that the presence of women and girls is a distraction for male santris who learn to memorize the Qur’an. The restriction is protected by the mosque managements until this day.


empowering, female, kiai


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