International Conference of Da'wa and Islamic Communication

The International Conference of Da'wa and Islamic Communication
(ICoDIC) held by Da’wa and Islamic Communication Faculty Institut Agama Islam
Negeri Kudus aims to accommodate academic discussions on the concept
of Islamic da'wah and communication in line with the development of global
society. The complexity of the problems in the dynamics of Islamic da'wah and
communication practices requires reformulation of the concepts and practices of
da'wah and communication related with the development of global society as
mad'u. The reformulation that will be formed will be a design for the pattern of
Islamic da'wah and communication that is useful in supporting the needs of
academics, researchers, and practitioners in the field of Islamic da'wah and
communication in aligning the actual missionary vision of da'wah with the
dynamics of the development of global society.


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Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Da’wah for Mental Health and Peace

Table of Contents


Fajar Rosyidi
Dzurratul Lailil Mufidah
sulthon sulthon sulthon
Eko Ariwiyantoro, Muhammad Syaroful Anam
Rochanah Rochanah Rochanah
siti - sholekah