Pro dan Kontra terhadap Pemaknaan Al-Qur’an Secara Isyari

Zumrodi Zumrodi


The existence of syar'i or esoteric interpretations as a scientific basis is still a matter of debate by scientists. The difficulty of measuring the truth in isyari interpretation is the reason Islamic scholars reject isyari interpretation. In fact, there are at least four indicators that can make isyari's interpretation valid, namely first, the meaning of isyari or esoteric meaning does not conflict with the dhahir or exoteric meaning. Second, the esoteric meaning does not conflict with the Shari'ah. Third, the esoteric commentator does not claim that his interpretation is the most correct interpretation. Fourth, the esoteric interpretation is not a distant and distorted interpretation. Content analysis is used to obtain the purpose of this research, namely to strengthen the opinion of Islamic scientists who say that isyari interpretation is important in completing the treasures of Islamic scholarship. Perfection of faith can be obtained through the relationship of external meaning (esoteric) and inner meaning (esoteric). The relationship between the outer meaning and the inner meaning is like the relationship between body and spirit that cannot be separated.

Keywords: Al-Quran, Isyari, Esoteric

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