Media Sosial dan Sufisme: Gambaran Religious Style pada Generasi Milenial

Achmad Faesol


As a millennial generation, the existence of social media cannot be separated from daily activities. In this generation that grew up in this digital era, access to types and channels of religious information has become easier and more open, including those related to Sufism. In the context of religion, the younger generation is now the typology of the seeker generation. In the midst of the rapid development of information communication technology, it is necessary to study further how young people treat social media and at the same time how the existence of social media is in the context of youth Religious Styles. This study aims to describe the Religious Style of young people studying at the Da'wah Faculty of the State Islamic University of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq (UIN KHAS) Jember. The results show that in the context of youth religion (sufism), social media has a dual role. Serves as a channel to access religious information as well as a medium for religious expression. These two faces of social media play a more important role when the spiritual atmosphere of the community is present in the social interaction space, namely during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr.

Keywords: Millennial Generation, Student, Social Media, Religious Style, Sufism

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